Peter Cooper

How to Build a Chat Room in JavaScript in Under an Hour

Date: This event took place live on April 25 2012

Presented by: Peter Cooper

Duration: Approximately 60 minutes.

Cost: Free

Questions? Please send email to


In under an hour, Peter Cooper will walk through the process of building a live, multi-user chat page using JavaScript, including both the front end client (using jQuery and other libraries) and back-end server (using Node.js).

Not only that, it'll be deployed in real time and you'll be able to try it out, as well as download the source to build a similar real time system of your own. This webcast is specifically aimed at people with a basic level of JavaScript experience but all are welcome.

About Peter Cooper, Fluent Program Chair

Peter Cooper is the editor of JavaScript Weekly and co-host of The JavaScript Show as well as the editor of several popular Ruby Web sites and author of Beginning Ruby. He publishes programming oriented e-mail newsletters, podcasts, screencasts and blogs full-time.